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The ultimate destination for Teqball fans looking for insightful data analysis, compelling visualizations, and comprehensive rankings. Discover the power of data in Teqball and take your game to the next level with our cutting-edge tools and resources.


Welcome to DataTEQ.com, a website dedicated to tracking statistics for teqball players and clubs worldwide. It was created by FITEQ's Sports Data Manager, Barnabás Németh, who has already authored several analyses, documents, and educational materials.
With the growing popularity of teqball and the increasing number of competitions, there is a need to collect, clean, and organize data to create rankings, athlete profiles, and post-event data. Currently, DataTEQ.com is the best source of teqball analytics for international competitions. Since the Official Rules and Regulations of Teqball were changed from the 20-point scoring system to the 12-point system, numerous competitions have been organized worldwide with participants from all continents.
Our long-term vision for the site is to cover all international competitions, incorporate new statistical factors into the game, and provide interesting and unique insights for teqball enthusiasts. We are always open to suggestions and ideas, and welcome opportunities to learn and develop the website further.

Introducing our new Athlete Cards

Introducing the brand new Teqball athlete cards, now available on our website! These cards represent the current attributes of different world-class Teqball athletes. Our cards are designed to showcase the top performers in the sport and help you keep track of their progress as they continue to compete. Each card features a range of different measures that represent various performance values:

  • The attacking rating is based on the number of points won by the athlete during Teqball tournaments, while the defending rating represents the number of points scored against the individual or their team.
  • The points difference rating gives an indication of the average point difference during matches, while the activity rating shows the athlete's participation in competitions.
  • In addition, our cards also feature a winning percentage rating, which represents the percentage of sets won by the athlete, as well as an overall performance rating, which takes into account the athlete's performance across different levels of competitions. All of these metrics are purely based on data and are compared to one another to determine the final rating.

We're constantly adding new Teqball athlete cards to our collection, so be sure to check back often and stay tuned for the latest updates. Whether you're a dedicated fan of the sport or just looking to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in athletic performance, our Teqball athlete cards are the perfect way to stay informed and engaged.

Important Information

  • The dataset only includes competitions that took place after the switch from the 20-point system to the 12-point system. Therefore, the first competition included is the Los Angeles Challenger Cup 2020 event (2020/02/23).
  • The Challenger Cup represents the lowest level of international competitions.
  • The dataset also contains information on Open Doubles and Open Singles competitions that took place after the aforementioned dates.